Blog Tour de Troops – Wherein I Give Away Some Shtuff

You should have arrived here from J Monkeys blog and will continue on to Michael Mustizer’s blog. But don’t leave until you grab your freebies!

I was an Air Force brat. I know, explains a lot about me, right? My earliest memories of my dad are of him in his fatigues, getting ready to go or coming home from work. We didn’t always see eye-to-eye, but there is one thing on which we were always in sync: a fierce patriotism to our country and unflagging support for our military forces.

I’ve made it super-easy for you to get some free shtuff today, namely my novel Office Politics. Yeah, it’s romance (non-mushy, though!), so if you’re not into that kinda thing, grab it anyway and pass it on to the chicklit fan in your life. And there’s a chance to win a Kindle, too, so don’t pass this up. Here are my review sponsors, if you’d like to see what they have to say about my work. Check them out – they’ve all done a lot of reading to get ready for this event, and they rock bigtime. Diary of a Bibliophile & Taylor Lee Books.

What do you have to do to score this freebie for you and a troop? Easy. Leave a comment below answering this question:

What is your favorite firework/firecracker and how would you use it to keep the undead hordes at bay in a zombie apocalypse? 


Oh, fine – you don’t have to answer the second part of that question if you don’t want. But for everyone who does, you get the follow-up novel The Secret Dreams of Sarah-Jane Quinn.

Be sure to leave your e-mail addy below, too. (Please protect yourself from spam by using this format: yourname (at) ISP (dot) com. I’m doing my part to stop the spread of spam by replying to spammers with a word from a list of adverbs everyone says I’m not allowed to use in my writing anymore but of which I am quite fond. I look at it as killing two birds with one word.)

You rock for stopping by. If you leave a comment answering my question, you rock even more. If you answer both parts of the question, you are a freaking rockstar. Love ya, baby!

163 thoughts on “Blog Tour de Troops – Wherein I Give Away Some Shtuff

  1. Melissa says:

    My Dad did me a favor and got out of the Navy before I started school.
    I like Roman candles. Turned sideways, they would shoot balls of fire long enough for me to cast off and sail away! mrice6 (at) cox (dot) net

  2. Jamie Pope says:

    Fireworks are soo illegal in NY. All we got to use were sparklers. How would I keep zombies away? Light thousands of them and create a distraction while I got the hell out of there.

  3. Jill says:

    The only fireworks my parents ever allowed were sparklers. I do like so many but my favorite to see are the ones that create a cascade or a waterfall type look but I don’t know the name of it. As to helping keep zombies at bay, I guess I would make a “ring of fire” with magical ever-burning sparklers while trying to find another spell or potion to use to inhibit the zombies so to come to a solution where all could live peaceably together.

  4. Andrea says:

    I love the fireworks that explode in gold and blue. I have no idea how that would keep a zombie at bay. I would probably be hoping they would be enthralled at the sight of the fireworks or maybe even just confused which would hopefully give me time to get away.

    Thank you for taking part in this tour and most of all thanks to all the members in our troops.

    andreagrendahl AT gmail DOT com

  5. loves to dive says:

    I love the big fireworks that sound like a rocket being shot when they go up then they burst into a small ball and spread out into almost covering the whole sky. For the zombie this would be totally confusing, as they were looking up, I’m thinking a flame thrower. Boy do I sound violent, I may need some theorpy.
    lvs2dv (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. JetGibbs says:

    Thanks so much for participating in this. I say Roman Candles, to disorient the li’l buggers and get free of the rampaging zombie horde!

  7. JetGibbs says:

    Thanks so much for participating in this. I say Roman Candles, to disorient the li’l buggers and get free of the rampaging zombie horde! My email addy is DiNozzoGibbs @ Thanks 🙂

  8. Ryan Mills says:

    As a 24 year Vetran it is my honor to serve and I would be proud to do it all agian. Thank you for your support every little bit goes a long way. ryan.mills68(at)gmail(dot)com

    I like the really long Roman Candels that you SHOULD NOT hold in your hand but you can if your dumb enough to(me).

    I would find of the horde be lighting them and shoving the flaming end in any open head orafice, after all head shot is they only way to take one out. Right?

    Again love what you guys are doing and you all have realy motivated my wife to write. She is currently doing the 50,000 words in 30 day chalange and blowing it away. She cant write it fast enough….lol

  9. Holly says:

    Haha I love the question btw. I would say IF I was to be using firecracker/fireworks to keep the zombie horde away during the apocalypse I’d pick me up some cherry bombs because it could be fun tossing them at the zombies from the roof of the house… Maybe that’s just me?

    Any who lol Thank you for your participation in this awesome cause 🙂


  10. Toni Rakestraw says:

    The silver fountains. Of course they are most effective against zombies because the silver color is more than just color… it is a substance that is like zombie kryptonite. They try to cross the fountain and they turn to sparkly dust. It’s awesome.

    Anyway, thank you for supporting the troops!
    reikibirth @ gmail . com

  11. Patti P says:

    This is such a great way to help our troops.
    Thank you.
    musicalfrog at comcast dot net

    I would get tons of bottle rockets and aim them right at thier heads while playing patriotic music!

  12. Brittany Carrigan says:

    Thank you for being a part of this!! I like Roman Candles. I would turn them sideways at a slight angle in a long line and tie the fuses together. I would then light the first one and run like crazy away from the whole scene 🙂

    brittanyrose40 AT yahoo DOT com

  13. heartNsole says:

    I am an Air Force brat as well! I love when you said the following “We didn’t always see eye-to-eye, but there is one thing on which we were always in sync: a fierce patriotism to our country and unflagging support for our military forces.” This explains my step fathers and my relationship to a tee! I am one of the most patriotic people I know! Thank you for helping our troops!

    I love Roman Candles and would totally use them on the zombies!

    nook_heartnsole at yahoo dot com

  14. Melissa says:

    12 gauge shot gun with 00 buck shot! We should be reduced to fireworks, but my favorite firecrackers are those creepy black snakes.

  15. Melora says:

    I don’t know the names of any fireworks! So I guess I would steal the grand finale pack of fireworks that are set off at the end of a show, put it on a very, very sturdy metal table, huddle under the table wrapped many times in something fire-proof, and set that sucker off when the zombies are within literal spitting distance.

    Thank you for participating in this great tour, I look forward to reading your book!
    melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

  16. alchemyofscrawl says:

    Just stopping by to say Hi! from alchemyofscrawl. Wishing you a great tour! Please donate my copy to a soldier. 🙂

  17. Marianne says:

    i do like watching fireworks occasionally, but have no clue as to the names of them. Like the idea of the sparklers (at least those i can name), maybe tie them to tall posts, and confuse the zombies, while i disappear

  18. Betty Vickery Johnson says:

    Thank you for all you are doing to support our troops. It means so much to them and to us families that are left here at home.

    My favorite firework would have to be those gorgeous waterfalls that spray a beautiful curtain of gold in the sky. I would use those to blind the undead hordes as I made my full escape.

    betty.vickery.johnson {at} gmail {dot} com

  19. Tracy Riva says:

    I’d have to say the loud, explosive M80. As for how I would use it in a zombie apocalypse I would figure out a way to light several of those suckers and shoot them straight into the zombie’s mouth hopefully blowing up their head.

  20. rumpydog says:

    Hello! I’m Rumpy Dog (rumparoni at gmail dot com). I don’t like fireworks; they scare me. I don’t know if zombies do or not. But I bet they’re afraid of dogs. But anyway, since that’s not what you asked and I want those soldiers to get them books, I will say I would get some of those Snap Pops.. you remember those you could throw down on the sidewalk and they’d pop? I’d plant them in the path of the zombies and then watch them freak out when the ground started popping underneath them. SCORE!

    1. Sharon says:

      I bet they’re afraid of dogs, too. And I bet you’re a fierce one when cornered by the zombie horde. I always loved those Snap Pops – got in trouble in school for popping them off in the hallway. lol

  21. Anne says:

    Thanks for participating in the tour and donating books.

    Gotta say I was not expecting your questions. I’m not knowlegeable about firework names, but the bigger and more colorful the better. I would try to use them to up as many zombies as I could (but would probably blow myself up instead).

  22. Martha says:

    Thanks for participating in the tour. I would grab something thats loud (have no idea the names of fireworks) so I could throw it one way and run the other!!! According to The Walking Dead, they follow sound so!!! Thanks again for donating books to the troops!


  23. Krissie says:

    What is your favorite firework/firecracker and how would you use it to keep the undead hordes at bay in a zombie apocalypse?

    Answer: I love the Roman Candles. I would use firecrackers to keep the undead hordes at bay!! SO, does this mean, I will get your follow up novel soon? 🙂 Thanks for this great cause. You rock, too! pringpringles(at)yahoo(dot)com

  24. katsrus says:

    I like the fireworks that have the loud boom. I would use that to keep the zombies away. They would hear and see that and go the other way. LOL. Thanks for supporting the troops. God bless all the men and women that serve.
    Sue B

  25. Karen says:

    I love the multi-colored mortars. I bet you could blast a horde of zombies to bits with one of those!
    I used to send care packages via ‘Books for Soldiers’, and this is an awesome way to continue that effort!

  26. books4me says:

    I don’t know a thing about different kinds of firecrackers/fireworks. Just that fireworks are pretty. Maybe the brightness of the firework would temporarily blind the zombie so someone could kill it?

    Thank you for supporting our troops!

  27. Quinn Smythwood says:

    Colourful, bright and just when you think it’s over another bloom of light appears. Maybe it would be as hypnotic for the zombie horde as it is for me…and setting one off will give plenty of getaway time…if only I could stop looking at the pretty lights myself.

    Awesome blog tour for a great cause.


    1. Sharon says:

      hahahaha You would still get away if I was there, because clumsy me would trip & fall down, thus giving you the opportunity to escape. But I would fully expect you to put me out of my undead misery later… 😉

  28. winnie says:

    Thank you for supporting the troops! This tour is a wonderful idea!
    To keep the zombies at by, I would just shoot whatever firecracker I have in hand, wouldn’t matter which one at that point.


  29. Amanda Wimer says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops in such a generous manner! I know that each and every book received will be greatly appreciated! And thank you for allowing me to be a part of it through you!

    I love bottle rockets. I used to love watching them shoot into the air and then spend time looking for them when they came back down. They might help ward off the zombies if you could aim them just right into their eyes! Then they couldn’t see you! haha!

  30. Sue says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops. I’ve sent quite a few books overseas for troops myself what a great way to show support

    I live sparkles but no fireworks are allowed in my area anymore but public displyas

  31. Ruby M says:

    I don’t know what it’s called, but i like the big ones that explode into lots of colors and sometimes even shapes. And in a zombie apocalyps, i would aim them at the swarm of zombies coming at me. You know… kill 10 zombies with one rocket =]
    This is a wonderful idea! Thanks for supporting our troops!


  32. Janey says:

    I have read all the preceding comments thinking that the fireworks were to keep the undead HORSES at bay. Whew!
    I have no compunction about warding off undead hordes, but I have second thoughts about offing horses, zombie-like or not.

    My favourite fire cracker is a whiz-bang. It probably would not be as useful as a cherry bomb in warding off the undead hordes, but it might startle them into stopping their advance.

    Thanks for taking part in this Blog Tour de Troops. And thanks to them as well.
    jandhj2 (AT) yahoo (DOT) ca

  33. Maghon Thomas says:

    Hmmm, my favorite are the ones that explode into all different color star bursts 🙂 I would shoot it at all the zombies and turn them pretty!! Hahaha I love zombies!! Thanks again for supporting our troops!!

  34. Maggie says:

    Fireworks are legal to BUY here but illegal to USE. Makes no kind of sense. The only thing I ever had access to was sparklers. Maybe with enough sparklers (because they are so pretty) I could distract the zombies long enough to come up with a decent plan.
    Thanks for supporting our troops through this blog tour.

    1. Sharon says:

      Yeah, it makes absolutely NO sense. We used to be able to buy & use them. Now we can only buy on the NA reservations, but we can’t use them anywhere. Oy. lol

      Never underestimate the power of a sparkler. Or twelve. 😉

  35. Rachel says:

    We are allowed fireworks. My favorite is the one’s that shoot off into the sky with the big bursts of color. I would turn those and fire at the zombie’s heads to stop them. Oh my husband just said they are called artillery shells. I also like the fountains. I look forward to reading both of your books.

    pefrw (at) yahoo (dot) com

  36. SarahM says:

    What a great way to support our troops! Thank you 🙂 I’d use roman candles to blow up a ton of C-4!

    smaccall AT

  37. joannie sparks says:

    Hello i don’t know much about fireworks anymore bso i asked my husband. I hope thats not cheating lol. No I didn’t. I would take those i guess you call them Cherry bombs aren’t those the thing kids used to put in mailboxes and blow them up. I wouls use those to put in a home made pump action Galventized steel looking shotgun and light them one at a time and shot them at those nasty things hehehe. Now my story on Veteran.
    I am a War orphan from the Vietnam Era and i want to thank you so much for the support everyone is giving the soliders. Because when i was growing up we did not recieve any support and i pray that does never ever happen again because it was the hardest time for my mom left in a new city with no family and a house full of kids. I want you to know She Loved my Father so much she never Re-married or even dated.. He is one of the first sent over in 1962 never heard from again his whole group. So to this day know one but the govenment really know what happend All i want is to know what happened to all those men with my father and for every man and women to come back home safe.. Thanks Joannie jscddmj [at] aol [dot] com

    1. Sharon says:

      Wow, Joannie – what an incredible story. There are very few days that go by that I don’t wonder what happened to all our POWs. My father didn’t have to go – he worked on B-52s, so they kept him Stateside. I was incredibly lucky that way, but have never lost sight of the fact that others weren’t.

      Thank you for participating & sharing your story. Your father’s & your family’s sacrifices should never be forgotten.

    1. Sharon says:

      Thanks for letting me know! WordPress has been having issues lately, such as stripping out my formatting and my links, and even the whole first paragraph of this post, which I had to replace this morning. Oy.

  38. CassandraG says:

    If you have enough sparkly sparklers, that should blind them for awhile if you put them in the right place and you have enough.
    This is such a great cause.

  39. J Monkeys says:

    Hi! I’m a sparklers kind of girl. Fireworks in the hands of amateurs frighten me. Of course, it’s entirely possible that a zombie apocalypse would frighten me more…

    jenmoncuse AT yahoo dot com

  40. Mary says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops!

    As for fireworks/firecrackers, I’d use them all against the horde.

    jtcgcat yahoo dot com

  41. The Lotus Blossom (@DMKenyon) says:

    You had me at “copious amounts of sarcasm”. I enjoyed your post and your site, for that matter. You have certainly done your share for your country. I have some idea what the children of professional soldiers go through and it is not always a bed of roses. So from my family to yours, thank you. And thank you for supporting this cause.

    Very truly yours,
    D. M. Kenyon
    author at lotus blossom book dot com

    1. Sharon says:

      No, not always easy at all. I had to move away from all my friends several times in my life, which was not easy for a very shy, introverted kid. But I got to see a lot of our amazing country – I’ve been through 2/3 of all the states.

      Always glad to meet someone who appreciates copious amounts of sarcasm. lol

  42. Christy says:

    I don’t know if fireworks would help in a zombie apocalypse. Maybe trap one in a bathroom and throw a couple cherry bombs in the toilet as you’re climbing out the window. Exploding porcelain might tear the zombies up enough for you to get away. Thank you for donating to such a worthy cause and brightening the day of many a soldier. christygibbon at juno dot com

  43. Hellen says:

    I don’t know the name, but my favourite fireworks are those that are silent and almost invissible until they explode with a lot of noise once they are very high.
    I doubt fireworks are very useful against zombies (unless zombies fly or you use fireworks in a small, closed space). But I guess they could distract zombies. Or even scare them if they are not expecting them.

    hellenlovesbooks (at) gmail (dot) com

  44. Doyle MacBrayne says:

    Awesome question; but first, thanks for supporting our troops! As for fireworks, I would probably opt for the bottle rocket, you don’t have to stand to close and then it blows up. Of course a flare gun would have more accuracy, and I’m thinking it’s be easier to fire in a zombie attack. Although, you know you’d have to remove the head right? Just blowing a hole in them will slow them down a little and then make them cranky…

  45. Evan says:

    I’d use any I could get my hands on (I’m not too picky in a life-or-death situation). I’d then use my handy-dandy magic lamp to duplicate said candle/cracker an infinite amount of times. Zombie guts go skies a-blazing with pretty colors in the name of justice, truth, and the American way! Proceed by eating some apple pie with 1% milk on the side.

  46. Andrea says:

    The few places I’ve lived the fireworks are illegal, even sparklers. Though if you know where to go you can find something. My favorite is one that you light and it spins on the ground in a variety of colors, I can only think that I would have to light quite a few to form a barrier between me and the zombies, maybe if I was lucky they would light a few on fire too.
    Thank you for supporting our troops this way (and I have to say that I’m going to enjoy it too). My father, husband and brother-in-law have all served or are currently serving and anything that supports our troops is near and dear to my heart.
    Thanks again,

    1. Sharon says:

      My BFF’s husband and oldest son spent time in Iraq, so I’m well aware that especially for the troops who are deployed, reading material is a premium and highly coveted. Even men seem to enjoy my work, so hopefully my books will keep quite a few entertained – as well as quite a few here in the civilian world. 😉

  47. Laura G. says:

    My favorite fireworks are Sparklers!! I would use them to poke zombies in the eyes so that they could not see. Hey, a metal stick on fire should work 🙂
    Thank you for participating in this wonderful tour and for the free ebooks. I can’t wait to read both of them!

    Laura G.
    cardinoles (at) gmail (dot) com

  48. Michelle says:

    I’m not a firecracker/fireworks fan other than watching the big ones from afar as for the second part of the question I’d turn my teenagers loose on them with an arsenal of bottle rockets and assorted big boomers. Thank you for participating in this tour as it is a very good cause and I’m happy to see so many authors coming together to do something special for our troops. shadow31071 (at) suddenlink (dot) net

  49. Brian Jeffreys says:

    Great blog post! Thank you for helping support our troops.

    I’d have to say a combination of smoke bombs (to help me escape) and sparklers to blind the Zombies so they don’t see the swimming pool in their way.

    Can’t wait to read Office Politics.

    brjf @ yahoo [dot] com

  50. Traci says:

    Thanks for being part of this event! I like the shimmering fireworks. But I really don’t know how they would help with the zombies…
    nebby AT zoominternet DOT net

  51. Ardee-ann says:

    Greetings, thanks for being part of the Blog Tour de Troops. I am sure that our troops will appreciate the books they receive. As for the fire works, I love the buzzing bees and would use them in the “shock and awe” portion of my attack during the zombie apocalypse.

    Again, I thank you for your participation.



    sagemoon_cottage at yahoo dot com

  52. aobibliophile™ says:

    hi Sharon! one of our local malls is located by the bay and every weekend they have a 15 minute fireworks display. i don’t know what they’re called but i love the ones that burst into a circular shape then slowly fade as they fall to the sea. i think this type and other fireworks would come in handy to keep the zombies mesmerized and distracted while they look at the sky and while we make our escape. we just have to make sure that the fireworks last long enough and are on auto-mode so they continue to light the sky and keep the undead at bay.

    thanks for your contribution to the troops and for participating in this tour.


    1. Sharon says:

      Hey, I just realized I have one of your books! Since you have both of mine, I’m assuming our paths have crossed before – is this one of those “Oh, that was you?” moments? lol

  53. Erin Klitzke says:

    What IS IT with everyone and ZOMBIES?! Ugh! I don’t know that I’d survive a zombie apocalypse.

    Another author on the tour stopping by to lend support and stand up and be counted for a soldier to snag an e-book.

    This is pretty awesome stuff, guys, and I’m really honored to be a part of it.

    ~ Erin M. Klitzke

  54. Theresa says:

    Your book looks like a fantastic read. Favorite fireworks? Those ones that scream when they fall. Dad used to call them screaming meemees. I’d light them and shoot those buggers. Can you see them go up in crackles, screams and sparkles?
    Thank you for generosity and doing this for our troops!

  55. Krysykat says:

    My favorite firework is the Willow, the ones that look like weeping willows. I would use it like they do in Land of the Dead, for a distraction.


  56. JenM says:

    I’ve always loved sparklers. I figure I can draw pretty patterns with the sparks and it will mesmerize the zombies enough that they will be too confused to follow me when I run away. Plus, it will be dark out, so they won’t be able to see me very well anyway. Thanks for participating in this blog tour – it’s a great cause.

  57. Denise Z says:

    Thank you so much for participating in this event honoring our veterans on their day and giving to our troops the joy of a good book. I also look forward to reading your intriguing books 🙂 You are appreciated. Okay now that all of the mushy stuff and groveling is over (rubs hands together) lets get down to serious business here; first of all, I strongly dislike fireworks – perhaps there is a strain of the zombie virus that is dormant in me that is terrified by them. However, I do love the firework show at Disneyland; so what say you we heard the zombie hoards on over to visit Disney. We can then shuffle them onto the Matterhorn and once the train is going the fireworks will begin. This should shock the buggers


  58. msmjb65 says:

    What’re those firecrackers that tend to blow up and off the fingers of the less than brilliant young kids every 4th of July? Yeah, those bad boys. Zombies aren’t known for being too bright either, so take a few if these mini bombs and ask your not so friendly zombie to hold them for you for a minute, than light ‘er up and watch as zombie parts go flying. You may want to wear protective goggles since zombie goo in the eyes smart a little.
    Thanks for being part of the tour!
    msmjb65 AT gmail DOT com

    1. msmjb65 says:

      Here I am replying to ky own post. I just read one of the other comments and learned that those nasty things are called cherry bombs. Yay! I can stop trying to figure it out as it would have kept me up tonight trying to remember what they’re called.

  59. Elizabeth says:

    Okay, I would use Black Cat firecrackers to scare the zombies. Aren’t they afraid of cats? I know they were in the movie, The Mummy! Actually they may not have been zombies. Oh well! BTW, your books sound good.

  60. Allyson Meyer says:

    Thanks for supporting our troops and for these fun questions. I’m excited to get both books. 🙂 And for the soldiers to have them!!

    As far as fireworks go, I really like sparklers. Is that lame? I dunno, the big ones scare me. But I’m thinking sparkles could be used all vampire-stake-style to take out some zombies. Or at least give me enough time to run and hide, right??? 🙂

    Happy blog tour and thanks again!

    allyreads81 at gmail dot com

  61. Tamsyn says:

    Great blog tour. Really worthy cause. My favourite fireworks is the the firework waterfall. It is really lovely and impressive and should be a good way to block any zombie attack! :o)
    Thank you and happy holidays!
    tamsyn5 at yahoo dot com

  62. Lindsey says:

    Hmmmmm.. I used to like those colorful pinwheels you tack up and they spin…those were pretty…however…for Zombie attack??? Well, I need one of those exploding fireworks they have at all the BIG SHOWS…the main ones for the finale that shoot up and explode…and explode…and explode…hopefully near the brain area as Walking Dead has said it’s the only way they die….Looking forward to the book!
    DOing Run for you life ZOmbie 5k next Aug…hopefully I won’t have to test this.

    1. Sharon says:

      I haven’t thought of those pinwheels in ages – not since the banned personal fireworks here. They might be useful in mesmerizing the zombies while you prepare the big guns, eh? 😉

  63. Carolyn Valdez says:

    I would string together alot of firecracker, add some cherry bombs in with them, and place this in a circle. Once the Zombies stepped into the circle I would light it and they would all blow-up. Thank you all for doing this tour for the troops.

  64. Beverly says:

    I like the ones that have long tails – I would shoot it them and start them all on fire!
    Thanks for being a part of this great giveaway. Sorry I am replying so late, I have only been home from work for a little while – LONG DAY! I am excited that a soldier will get this book too!
    Thanks again.

  65. thesilverchick says:

    How about something really small like a sparkler, shove firmly and deeply in some kind of orifice and then light?!
    No? Oh well, worth a shot!

  66. Kathryn Anne Merkel says:

    Ohy, that’s a fun question. My favorite fireworks are the ones that burst into a large spread of color, but have the white balls that whistle as they fall while leaving a sparkling golden trail in their wake. Not sure that they would have any real effect on Zombies, since I’m pretty sure that a dead body intent on feeding on the brains of live people wouldn’t care about the pretty burst of color or the whistling balls falling out of the sky. For Zombie protection, I would rely on my dad’s favorite fire cracker, the M-80, which if timed & thrown just right could probably be used to knock the head off the Zombie.

    Thanks for being part of such a worthy cause.

    drainbamaged.gyzmo at

    1. Sharon says:

      Ah, I love those ones too! I think if you launched an M-80 at just the right time, it would land in the zombie’s mouth and explode its head. Yeah. I like that!

  67. Vanessa Rivera says:

    My favorite firework is called death wish. She’s loud and proud. I would set it off on the other side of a broken bridge and hope they’d be attracted and fall to their death. If this a post apocalyptic world there has to be a broken bridge somewhere. 2vr.iver (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Sharon says:

      haha LOTS of broken bridges, I’d bet – if not by the zombies, then by the survivors trying to keep the zombies away. Death Wish, eh? I wonder what THAT baby is like~ lo.

  68. Mary Ann Peden-Coviello says:

    This is my first time at your blog. Second best thing about this tour — learning some new writers. Well, new to me anyway.

    About the zombies — I would set a row of roman candles and aim for the zombies’ heads. With my luck, the fireworks would all either fizzle or go ‘way high and I’d be zombie chow.

    The address I use for ebooks (and I’m looking forward to reading yours) is merikat1948 at hotmail dot com

    1. Sharon says:

      Welcome to my blog – and I hope the insanity here doesn’t make you run away shrieking. lol I am clumsy, so I’d fall down & be zombie chow. Hopefully it gives someone else a chance to escape. lol

  69. Miranda says:

    Lol I love the second question but I’m not real versed in Fireworks. I would want something silent but deadly 🙂 Thank you to all Veteran’s and those still serving today!!

  70. Sandi says:

    What a great cause – thanks for supporting our troops!

    Fireworks….Well, poke ’em in the eye with a sparkler 🙂

    I look forward to reading your book!


  71. Tammi Hagberg says:

    I would have to say one of the big rockets and shoot it at their heads. I’ve seen enough zombie movies to know you don’t get to close and you always shoot them in the head or they always come back! I love zombie movies and books, I can’t wait to read yours.
    Thank you for all your hard work.

  72. Donna Brown says:

    I would use a Catherine Wheel (not sure if they’re called the same in the US?) and hope that they would be so mesmerised by it spinning round and round that they would try and follow the movement and their rotted heads would – kerplunk – detach and roll away!

    I already have Office Politics so it would be great if you could donate my copy to another soldier.


  73. Elaine says:

    My favorite firecrackers would be those black cats that come in a big long line all strung together. To keep zombies at bay with them I’d just have to string a big old line of them together, light the fuse and watch those zombies dance. 😛

  74. Melissa K Sandahl says:

    I’m so glad there’s another Tour de Troops!! Can’t wait to see if there’s more comments than Memorial Day! What a great way to give our troops a little escape in a book while they are away from home and at war. Thanks IndieBookCollective!!

    I grew up a Navy Brat, so I greatly appreciate the sacrifice of our military and their families! As a former Navy Brat, I know the families definitely serve and sacrifice also! Luckily, my dad wasn’t sent to war (he was enlisted during the 70’s) but he had A LOT of sea duty and was out to sea for months at a time! He missed many birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. We moved around the country a lot. So another big sacrifice was that we changed schools a lot (7 times in one school year moving from Virginia to California – literally coast to coast), but I wouldn’t trade it for anything! I am so proud of his service. Just as I am so incredibly proud of all the heroic men and women fighting for us today whether they are overseas or stateside, they are all important to our nation. I can’t wait to see them all coming home, hopefully soon.

    As for favorite fireworks: I love the ones that explode with one color and just before it’s over, it bursts another color, and another. I like the cascades of different colors. I also like the ones that are like waterfalls of color because the smoke left behind looks like a jellyfish. I absolutely the HATE the cherry bomb flash bangs – I can handle the loud bomb, it’s the bright flash of light that I absolutely kills my eyes. So to fight Zombies, I would have a constant barrage of the colorful fireworks to hypnotize them into a stupor and then light off the flash bangs until their heads explode from the brightness!!!! MMwwaahhaa-ha-ha-ha

    I would like the troop book to go to my cousin Zachary Neer serving in the United States Army in Afghanistan.

    Thanks for the free book – can’t wait to read your story!
    missyebookmail (AT) mediacombb (DOT) net

  75. sugarpeach says:

    I love the multicolor fountain fireworks (WHAT are they called??). They’re absolutely beautiful and I’d use them to blind any would-be zombie attackers. The noise from the fireworks being set off would probably deafen the zombies too. 😀
    Thank you for participating in this initiative!
    Please donate my copy of Office Politics to a soldier selected by IBC (the soldier I’m supporting doesn’t read this genre). I don’t mind receiving The Secret Dreams of Sarah-Jane Quinn. Thank you!

    writer.chicka (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Sharon says:

      As I donate as many copies as needed to the troops (usually far more than the number of unique commenters I have), I sent you the coupon for both. Feel free to pass on the Office Politics coupon to a friend. 🙂

  76. Berit says:

    Sparklers are the only fireworks we ever got to use as a kid. Even now, there’s not much that’s legal here. Although we do go to see the fireworks displays. And those are always fun to watch. Not sure I have a favorite – although I do like the ones that make cool shapes/patterns. And my 6-year old son seems to enjoy watching them, as well.

    As to the zombies – maybe shoot off as much/many as I could at one time (forget they’re not legal) – try to distract them while I get out of there as fast as I can!

    beritlemons AT gmail DOT com

  77. shayne says:

    Thank you so much for participating in this, as an air force veteran I can really appreciate it. my favorite firework would probable be a roman candle. And to keep them at bay…..well, I dont think they can move very fast with one of them jammed up their butts!!lol


  78. Sue says:

    This is such a great thing. Thanks! The only fireworks I’ve ever used would be sparklers and I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be too useful in holding off the hordes. 🙂


  79. Pinky says:


    Thanks for being part of the tour.

    To all of the women & men of the military, thank you for everything you do, the sacrifices you make, and for keeping our country safe! To the families of those in the military, thank you for the sacrifices you make each and every day.


  80. Holly says:

    sorry – I don’t do firecrackers or fireworks. Too many years of working in ERs and seeing the damage they do. Plus loud noise that sound like weapons fire can make many of us pretty uncomfortable.
    thanks for participating in the Tour de Troops. As an army veteran of multiple deployments, I can assure you that reading provides sanity and a chance to explore worlds outside the dust/rain/dirt of the present un-fun. With the advent of eBook readers it has become even easier to read, try new authors and to feel less cut off from the world.

    sincerely – Holly (prosekniticATyahooDOTde)

  81. Susan Laura says:

    So happy to participate in this wonderful blog tour. Thank you! Don’t know a lot of firework facts but I think a Roman Candle could do some serious damage. At the very least it would startle and confuse the zombie hordes long enough for me to get away!

    suz_glo at yahoo dot com

  82. Diane says:

    My dad was a WWII vet and landed at Omaha Beach on D-day. He didn’t live quite long enough to go on one of the Honor Tours and he didn’t talk about the war but he looked very dashing in the pictures. : )

    My favorite fireworks are the ones that rain down the copper colored bits and then those bits burst again into sparkles. I’d use them by aiming them at the zombies for the shock and awe quotient.
    Thanks for the book and thanks for supporting our troops
    OmahaUrbanec AT aol Dot com

  83. Chelsea Porter says:

    I’d love a copy, thanks! 🙂 I’ll admit that I’m a fireworks wuss, tho, and I only really like poppers and sparklers – at least if I’m in control of them… If there are pros handling them, then the bigger the better! Guess that means I’ll have to resort to my knitting needles to protect me from zombies, tho… But they’re wood, so hey, extra good against vampires, right?? etitameh(at)q(dot)com

  84. Isolabella says:

    Thank you so much for supporting our troops and for participating in this blog tour.

    Fireworks to distract a zombie? I would use the one that makes a sound like a bee so the zombies would flock to it and hopefully leave an escape way open.

    thenarcissuslibrary at gmail dot com

    1. Sharon says:

      I believe Captain Jack Sparrow said something along the lines of those who run away live to run another day. Something like that. lol When it comes to zombies, running away is more noble than splattering yourself with goo & becoming infected. 😉

  85. Jessica B. says:

    I don’t know much about fireworks/firecrackers or the Zombie Apocalypse. But I like the big pretty ones that have some mini ones the burst off of the big one. They are all so pretty tho. I think that it might blind them, distract them with it’s beauty or maybe the heat from them would save me. Hopefully that would work but, shrug, I’m not an expert.
    jessangil at gmail dot com
    -Jessica B

  86. Norrie says:

    I can’t say that I know the names of the fireworks (I also live in a state where they’re illegal to buy), but I enjoy them all . . . the spectacle of a July 4th celebration with the patriotic music and varied colors and types of fireworks exploding high in the sky over the lake. I especially love taking photos to capture the fireworks midair.

    As far as the zombies go . . . well, I have to say I’d encourage them to have a front -row seat for the fireworks . . . right on top of the fireworks shooter-thingy (no clue what those are called!). They’d be blown sky high, leaving time for the rest of us to scatter and head home.

    lotsareading at yahoo dot com

    P.S. Thanks for the tip about how to include an e-mail address that won’t attract spammers.

  87. Roxs says:

    Thanks for participating!

    Hm… I’d use the firecrackers Chinese use for celebrating new stores/New Year and throw them lit at a zombie. I’m thinking the noise might scare them away.

    roxburysnoopy-blogtourdeforce at

  88. Barbara Ackley says:

    I would use loads of cherry bombs to give them such a percussion headache that they would be deaf, blinded & disoriented. Of course I would be immune to the effects so that I could sneak away. Hope this qualifies for the 2nd book too.

    ackleybj (at) verizon (dot) net

      1. Sharon says:

        Will do. Tell ya what, though – there’s a couple of commenters who already have all my currently released work. So when the next two are released next month (paranormal), I’ll send y’all coupons for those. 🙂

  89. Brenda Lavigne says:

    I’d use the artillery shells to attract their attention and draw them to the middle of an open field. Then I’d use a well-aimed roman candle to set off monstrous piles of hundreds of silver fountain fireworks surrounding the field, to hold their attention and totally mess with their vision. Hopefully, once the firework show was over, they would be stumbling around dazed and confused and end up ripping one another apart. (Ok, I think I’ve been role-playing just a bit too much lately! LOL)

    Thank you so much for such a wonderful show of support for our troops!

    brelav (at) gmail (dot) com

  90. Carmen says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops like this!

    I don’t know that much about fireworks or firecrackers, and – quite frankly – haven’t the faintest clue what I’d do in a zombie apocalypse. Guess that means I’d be the first to go….


  91. Monicka says:

    Zombie Attack– I would grab a potato launcher. Grab some Green Hornets, and some other really cool lookin’ Fireworks (which were actually packing). Light firecracker (doing this one at a time). Stuff down potato launcher tube. Aim. Fire into Zombie’s mouth. 3- 2- 1- BOOM! Zombie head explodes.
    Light. Load. Repeat.

    (I would also tie people-I-didn’t-like’s shoe-strings together: Zombie comes; I out run them. . . yeah.)

  92. Sharon says:

    I’ll be sending out coupons to the final commenters when I get home from work today – I sign off after dinner for family time (so that I don’t get divorced & disowned), and I try to respect my day job by not being on the internet all day long. :-))

  93. Sharon says:

    Thank you all for your generosity in getting books to the troops – and for your indulgence in my frivolous question about fireworks. I thought it might be more fun that just having people post random comments – and it was! You guys cracked me up with your answers.

    All coupons have been sent out. If you didn’t get yours, first check your spam/junk mail folder; if it’s not there, leave a comment here and I’ll get right on it.

    Until next time…take care, happy reading, & don’t forget to support your indie authors!

  94. gre sample questions says:

    Ah, makes me think of the famous saying “Writing is an adventure. To begin with, it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public.” – Winston Churchill

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