ROW80BadgeI had a fantabulous week for writing. I finished revising long-ago written chapters (and they–and my readers–are grateful) and began fresh new writing. I always love the possibilities a blank page represents. ANYTHING can happen : wonders, terrors, delights. Ah, the power…the power!  lol

Anyway, my progress. I didn’t really keep a daily count, because I’m very absentminded that way. Overall, since last Sunday I’ve written 6,357 words, and revised scads of others. I’m rockin’ this book, which makes me very happy, because the SHINY NEW PROJECT is clamoring for my attention and is getting harder and harder to ignore. It takes major effort not to sneak in writing a scene or two. I have about 30,000 words left to complete the current WIP. Not far, not far.

Hope everyone else is having as successful a week. And don’t sweat it if you aren’t–life happens!

Oh, and about my ear–my hearing test on Friday was different than the four before it. I could hear her voice in my ear, but it was very garbled and I couldn’t make out the words, although I could tell they were words. Which means…the doc will probably continue the steroid shots instead of stopping at 3 like they usually do. I just may get my hearing back!!

Don’t forget to check in on the other ROW80 participants!

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